Tuesday, August 22, 2006

been a while

So turns out this blog, which was supposed to be entirely comprised of lists, sort of strayed from its focus over its last two entries (though you might call my laughably inaccurate NFL mock draft a "list" of sorts), so in honor of my Evander Holyfield-like untriumphant and ill-advised return to the ring, so to speak, here's a new list.

R U D E   A N D / O R   A R R O G A N T   T H I N G S
I ' V E   S A I D   T O   G I R L S   T H I S   W E E K
W H I C H   H A V E   B E E N   M I S I N T E R P R E T E D
A S   M E   T R Y I N G   T O   B E   C H A R M I N G

1. "In a perfect world where I was me and you were somebody else..."
2. Her: "I like your shirt." Me: "Thanks, I like your watch." Her: "It's kind of boring." Me: "Yeah, but I was trying to return the compliment and I didn't like your clothes."
3. "Hey, you're smart. So at least you've got that going for you."
4. "I wish you would just stop talking for like 5 or 6...days."
5. "I can't hear what you're saying. All I'm hearing is this weird high-pitched bitching noise."

I know that was shorter than usual, but I'll try to be back soon with something more interesting. For now, chalk it up to it's late and I'm boring.
