Friday, October 07, 2005

A D J E C T I V E S   F O R   M Y   E V E N I N G

1. Discouraging

Monday, October 03, 2005

special rules-related list entry

R U L E S   F O R   M A K I N G
A   G O O D   M I X   C D

1. There has to be a reason. Maybe your new best friend has never heard anything on Barsuk Records, or your big crush is dating somebody else. Maybe you're in need of some musical catharsis, or you're going on a long road trip or something. Whatever, there just needs to be an impetus to its creation, or the perfect mix CD is doomed from the start.
2. There has to be a concept. The mix has to concentrate on something. It can be musical, like all songs of a similar genre; or lyrical, like all songs about breakups; or thematic, like all songs with animals in the title. There just has to be some logic to the mix.
3. There has to be a structure. No more than 15 songs; no fewer than 10. More than 15 tracks, and you're bound to lose 1 or 2 in the mix. Fewer than 10, and it doesn't look like you're trying. 12 seems to be the perfect number. No repeat artists, though multiple songs by the same artist under different monikers is acceptable (i.e. Mike Doughty/Soul Coughing; Ben Gibbard/Death Cab/Postal Service; etc.).
4. There has to be a progression. The songs have to make sense in the order in which they are placed. Pay attention to the way songs lead into one another, and arrange them for a fluid effect. The mix should act as a singular unit, not a series of separate entities.
5. Presentation is important. A blank CD in a blank case won't do it. Be creative. Use photoshop. Draw pictures. Don't be afraid to package the CD in a new and interesting way.
6. Pay attention. When you ask, "How did you like the CD?", listen to the response. It will help you make a better mix next time if you can remember that the person for whom you're making the CD didn't like Modest Mouse but happened to really love The Frames.
7. Try harder next time. Most mix CDs fail. Your favorite track on the CD probably won't be theirs. Your friend who has never heard Barsuk bands may end up hating Death Cab, Nada Surf, and Rilo Kiley altogether. It's okay. Try harder next time. Even if it doesn't convince her to fall in love with you like she obviously should, at least you have 12 songs of music you love to listen to in the car to get you through it all.